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Nailing Virtual Event Logistics

Chati Team
May 2, 2023

In recent years, virtual events have become increasingly popular, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. As more and more companies pivot to virtual events and more and more venture capitalists fund companies that make tools to improve virtual events, the importance of nailing event logistics cannot be overstated.  

Let’s look at some tips for nailing virtual event logistics, as well as provide a run of show template that you can use for your next virtual event. 

First and foremost, it's important to have a plan in place for your virtual event. This means creating a detailed run of the show that outlines the flow of the event, from start to finish. Your run of show should include everything from pre-event preparation to post-event follow-up, and it should be updated regularly as you make changes to the event. 

One key aspect of event logistics is making sure that all your technology is working properly. This means testing your video conferencing software, making sure that your internet connection is stable, and ensuring that all your presenters and attendees have the necessary equipment to participate in the event. If possible, it's also a good idea to have a backup plan in place in case of any technical issues that may arise; Murphy’s Law, after all. 

Another important aspect of event logistics is making sure that you have a clear communication plan in place. This means letting your presenters and attendees know what to expect before, during, and after the event. You should also have a plan for responding to any questions or issues that may arise during the event. 

Make sure that your event is easy to access and navigate, and that attendees can interact with one another throughout the event.

It's also important to consider the overall attendee experience when planning your virtual event. This means making sure that your event is easy to access and navigate, and that attendees can interact with one another throughout the event. You may want to consider using breakout rooms, chat functions, or other interactive features to keep attendees engaged. 

Finally, it's important to follow up with attendees after the event to gather feedback and assess the success of the event. This can help you identify areas where you can improve for future events, and it can also help you gauge the overall satisfaction of your attendees. You can do this via a survey or a post-event email

To help you get started with your virtual event planning, we've created a run of show template that you can use for your next event: 

Pre-Event Preparation

  • Confirm presenters and attendees.
  • Test video conferencing software and internet connection. 
  • Set up any necessary equipment. 
  • Create a detailed run of show. 

Event Start Time 

  • Welcome attendees and introduce presenters. 
  • Review event logistics and agenda. 
  • Presentations or panels. 
  • Breakout rooms or interactive activities (if applicable).
  • Q&A sessions. 

Event End Time 

  • Thank attendees and presenters for their participation. 
  • Gather feedback from attendees. 
  • Assess the success of the event. 
  • Follow up with attendees to provide any necessary information or resources. 

In conclusion, nailing virtual event logistics requires careful planning and attention to detail. By creating a detailed run of show, testing your technology, communicating clearly with attendees and presenters, and considering the overall attendee experience, you can ensure that your virtual event is a success. Use our run of show template to get started, and don't forget to follow up with attendees after the event to gather feedback and assess the success of the event. 

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