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Chati Sustainability Initiative

Leading the Future of Eco-Friendly Virtual Events

At Chati, we're pioneering the path to sustainability in the virtual event space. Our commitment is to revolutionize event management by providing eco-friendly alternatives that reduce environmental impact while delivering unparalleled engagement and quality.

Chati Rated Highest Performing Virtual Event Platform on G2.

The Environmental Impact of Traditional Events

Traditional events, despite their effectiveness, often come with a significant environmental price tag. This includes emissions from travel, energy consumption, and waste from materials. Chati's digital platform offers a sustainable alternative, reducing the ecological footprint of events.

Business leaders are increasingly recognizing the importance of environmental and social governance (ESG) in event planning, particularly as traditional events often have significant environmental impacts and lack diversity.
Virtual and hybrid events offer a sustainable alternative, reducing carbon footprints and increasing accessibility for diverse groups. These events enable broader participation, including for those unable to travel, and can be more inclusive for speakers and attendees.
Traditional Events
High emissions from air and car transportation
Chati Solutions
Eliminates the need
for long-distance travel
Traditional Events
Extensive use of physical infrastructure and materials
Chati Solutions
Assets are digital and physical waste is almost non-existent
Traditional Events
Significant energy use
at physical venues
Chati Solutions
Avoids costly electrical consumption through digital environments

How much is your event environmentally costing you?

A study highlighted that the carbon output for a 3-day, 800-person conference is as much carbon as 95 cars produce in a year.

Quantify Your Impact

Calculate the CO2 Emissions Saved by Hosting Your Event Virtually

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The Chati Advantage in Sustainable Event Solutions

Chati prioritizes environmental responsibility, offering an array of eco-friendly features.

The Benefits of Chati’s Virtual and Hybrid Platform

Global Accessibility

Eliminate geographical barriers and enable worldwide participation without the environmental cost of travel


Transition to virtual events will reduce both environmental and financial costs, as they require significantly less labor and travel

Innovative Engagement

Interactive tools, such as video breakout rooms, gamification, and real-time chat, allow for a dynamic event experience


Virtual and hybrid events are inclusive to all who want to attend

Improved Brand Image

Strengthen reputation and showcase commitment to sustainability through eco-friendly practices

Sustainability Impact Reporting

Want to know how your virtual event is positively impacting the environment? Connect with a Chati team member to learn about Chati Sustainability Impact Reports, highlighting the environmental impact of events hosted on our platform. Not only is this a great way to enhance brand reputation, but it can be used as a valuable marketing tool.
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G2 Customer Reviews

Verified User
"Chati hosted events help me to connect with peers and product specialists in real time."
Robert Adams
"Lots of benefits/deliverables for these events."
Verified User
Hospital & Health Care
"I have participated in a few of these events and this one was very easy to use."
Laurel Hiatt
Quinlan Lab
Chati was easy to use with sufficient features for my needs.
Verified User
"I’m excited to use the Chati platform again on our next event"
Verified User
Hospital & Health Care
Chati was easy to navigate through and access the talks.
Verified User
It was easy to pull reports and see the attendee engagement within the event.
Elizabeth Seka Gray
TSI Marketing Communications
"Reach! It gives us the ability to reach attendees that cannot attend in person to our conference."

Join Us in Creating Sustainable Event Experiences

Partner with Chati for your next event and take a step towards a more sustainable future. Our platform not only delivers exceptional virtual event experiences but aligns with crucial environmental goals. Contact us today to learn more about how Chati can help you host sustainable, impactful events.
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