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Chati Virtual Conferences

Transforming the World of Online Events

  • When you work with Chati, you work with a team of virtual event professionals with decades of experience.
  • Companies and associations across the globe are beginning to understand the necessity of hosting virtual events or adding virtual components to their physical conferences
  • See how Chati engages global attendees, maintains sustainably, and creates exceptional digital experiences for your conference

Chati Rated Highest Performing Virtual Event Platform on G2.

Why Choose Chati for Your Virtual Conference
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Global Accessibility

Global Accessibility

Customizable virtual spaces provide an immersive experience that replicates physical environments, allowing attendees to interact and engage with content and presenters. With content templates that are easy to populate and live chat and video networking features, attendees can connect and collaborate in real-time, enhancing engagement and interaction.
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Realistic Digital Spaces

Realistic Digital Spaces

Chati specializes in creating virtual environments that are realistic, but also intuitive to use and creatively efficient. We offer both custom 3D spaces, whether you want to use your imagination or mimic and physical conference hall or office, and content templates, with simple navigation for attendees and environment branding for hosts.

Interactive Experience

Interactive Experience

We specialize in engaging online experiences, providing your audience with dynamic, interactive tools like real-time meetings, live Q&A, polls, and networking opportunities, making each session lively and participatory.

Data-Driven Insights

Data-Driven Insights

Our platform provides powerful solutions for businesses looking to drive sales and marketing success through virtual events.

With real-time analytics and reporting, data-driven lead generation, and integration capabilities with social media, webinars, and APIs, businesses can reach global audiences, build relationships, and drive revenue growth.
Embrace the future of conferencing with Chati. Our platform offers global connection and learning opportunities, all while supporting sustainable event practices. With Chati, your virtual events will be vibrant, engaging, and accessible.

G2 Customer Reviews

Verified User
"Chati hosted events help me to connect with peers and product specialists in real time."
Francina De la Cruz
Rochi's Gourmet
"accessible quickly and accurately, interactions were effective, and the content was of excellent quality. very satisfied"
Dr. Christine Paszko
Accelerated Technology Laboratories
"...intuitive and very easy to use..."
Robert Adams
"Lots of benefits/deliverables for these events."
Lubna Al-Sharif
An-Najah National University
"the virtual contact of all conducted webinars is a unique experience of affording mind and visual focus to the attendees and minimizes the environmental distortion"
Robert Gemme
"Very easy to use and demonstrate to others. "
Verified User
"I’m excited to use the Chati platform again on our next event"
Verified User
"I don't need to travel to give talks and have a support team to help me record them with good quality."
Issa Moody
The virtual environment can be tailored to anyone's desires.
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