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Your Guide on Virtual Event Promotion

Chati Team
November 29, 2022

Virtual events bring people together for a common purpose. From networking events to conferences, promotion and marketing are essential for organizing a successful virtual event. Successfully promoting an event will maximize attendance and attract engaged attendees. 

Invest in promotional materials

Promotional materials will serve as the foundation of your event promotion strategy. Promotional materials give you something concrete to point to in your social media posts and communications. Here are some examples of promotional materials for your virtual event: 

  • An event website is a landing page for your event. The website should provide information about your event, including an agenda or schedule and information on speakers. An event website is most appropriate for conferences, symposiums, or events with multiple days or sessions. 
  • Virtual flyers can serve as an eye-catching visual for your event. Flyers should be short and sweet, providing basic information about your event's when, where, and what. Include the date and time of your event, where to register or log in, and what will happen during the event. Flyers are especially effective for one-time events. 
  • Physical materials can also be used to promote a virtual event. Business cards, stickers, or pamphlets can all be handed out to colleagues or in-person connections to boost virtual event attendance. 

Target your social media campaign

Social media marketing is the bread and butter of virtual event promotion in the modern age. Customize your social media campaign for your event. 

  • A corporate networking event might be well suited to LinkedIn marketing. Building an interactive LinkedIn network can help with future event promotion. Build trust with your LinkedIn connections. 
  • A local virtual event will benefit from an Instagram page where pictures and videos can show people what to expect. 
  • Facebook events help keep track of RSVPs and offer simple methods for sponsored event promotion. 

Email marketing

Email marketing is an effective tool to reach event attendees. Email marketing is especially effective in professional networks or any forum with an established email network. If you’re organizing a series of events, get the email addresses of people who enjoyed an event and are interested in future events. 

Less is more with email marketing campaigns. If you inundate inboxes with too many emails, recipients are likely to hit unsubscribe. Ensure that each new email offers additional information, announcements, or updates. Offering discount codes over email is a great way to bolster engagement with your event and audience. 

Highlight what makes your event special

Regardless of your marketing strategy, highlight what makes your event special. If you expect attendees to spend their time at your event, you need to offer something in return. 

  • Networking events: emphasize who will be at the event and how networking will be structured. 
  • Conferences: highlight keynote speakers and event partners. Allude to big announcements that will happen during the event. Mention fun events or breakout rooms that will occur during the conference. 
  • Trade shows: give a glimpse into what products and services will be exhibited. 
  • Career fairs: offer a list of which companies or hiring managers will be present. 

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